Bush Magic
When the bush sings, the vineyard responds in chorus.
We sat down with owner and Viticulturist, Julian Wright to talk about the wine, the bush and the secrets of the Marri Wood Park vineyard. His insights are honest, unorthodox and quintessentially contrarian.
When planting the original blocks of fruit in the early nineties, the composition of natural waterways and existing bushland determined their placement. The gentle and varying slopes of the land was another significant factor in the locations of vines.
Photo credit: Chloe Motzouris Photography
Since planting the vineyard in 1992, Julian has broken just about every rule of traditional site management. His interference is slight, but timely. His biodynamic approach is hands-off but requires a massive attention to detail.
The distinct properties of Marri Wood Park fruit can by and large be accredited to Julian Wright’s trust in the cosmos and natural environmental order of the vineyard and its surrounds.
“Long-established vineyard practices like irrigation, fertilizing, cover crops, soil tilling and balancing have been abandoned and supplanted by roaming cattle and sheep - the fertilizer, guinea fowl, geese and wild ducks - the insecticides, attentive maintenance of weeds and natural pasture - the ground cover, and a complete reliance on seasonal rainfall.”
- Julian Wright
The biodynamic philosophies of Rudolf Steiner and Alex Podolinsky permeate the bush site in Yallingup where the vines are, and for the most part, left alone to speak for themselves.
Every day, Julian walks the vineyard of the Marri Wood Park estate. Constant observation – the key to his success. Looking, listening, feeling. His approach - concentrated, rigorous and relatively unorthodox.
“Woldorf speaks about the harmony of one's surroundings, so I look to the bush. The bush has survived and thrived without us getting involved, and so I thought - why can’t I do the same with a vineyard?”
- Julian Wright
Deemed a drawback by some, this is perhaps a key contributor to their sell out ranges. Limited releases of treasured wines and the unexpected showcasing of a season-favoured varietal, means admirers are quick to secure stock.
Marri Wood Park reflects a synchronicity between the land, the air and the cosmos. A trifecta of harmony.